Debit Card Alerts

Receive alerts when certain transactions take place on your account.
Woman paying with card at store

Set up your banking alert preferences today!  It’s Easy!

  1. Sign into Online Banking or the Security Federal Bank app
  2. Click Card Management
  3. Click Alerts & Protections
    • Protection Options - Choose to receive notification of all transactions
    • Locations - Choose to block all International transactions or send notifications when an International transaction processes
    • Merchant Types - Choose to block certain Merchant Types or receive notification when certain Merchant Type transactions process
      • Merchant Types include: Age Restricted Merchants, Department Stores, Entertainment Merchants, Gas Stations, Grocery Stores, Household Stores, Personal Care, Restaurants, Travel and Other
    • Transaction Types - Choose to block certain Transaction Types or receive notification when certain Transaction Types process
      • Transaction types include: ATM, eCommerce, In Store, Mail/Phone Order, Recurring and Other
    • Spending Limits - Set up Transaction and Monthly Spending Limits
      • Spending Limit - Transactions over the amount set will be blocked and an alert will be sent.
      • Spending Alert - Transactions over the amount set will trigger an alert.
      • Monthly Spending Limit - Transactions that would bring your monthly spending total over the amount set will be blocked and an alert will be sent.
      • Monthly Spending Alert - Transactions that bring your monthly spending total over the amount set will trigger an alert.